Sight Word Reading Passages a Can Is I

IELTS Reading Practice Examination 2022: FREE Reading practice exam prepared by our experts to assistance y'all quickly achieve band 8+ scores.

There are 03 reading passages between 600 – 900 words each. Candidates are required to detect data and mark their answers on the answer sheet (download link below).

Full no. of questions : 40

You should spend about 20 mins on questions ane-13.


A. The futurity farms may exist built right in the centre of your neighbourhood. Suburban sprawl, combined with huge economies of scale in agricultural operations, have driven food product away from centres of population, with an increase in travel cost and risk of spoilage en route. Still, the days of marketplace gardens in cities supplying fresh food items may soon exist over; mass urban farming may soon supplant them.

A visionary microbiologist, David Michael from U of T , sees our hereafter cities filled with a new kind of market garden. The creator of this radical 'vertical farming' thought describes the evolution of concept from older idea of 'rooftop gardening' in Manhattan. While this was amazing, it couldn't be made sustainable on a mass scale. But it planted the seed of another great thought. Looking at greenhouse development projects in New York, the resulting concept was mass-scale, indoor, urban farming in sky scrappers.

B. Post-obit this, David set up lab projects aimed at unlike design challenges and attracted a huge range of enthusiastic collaborators and contributors. He believes this vertical farming method possess solutions to some of the world's disquisitional issues. The earth population is expected to grow by 3.v billion to 8.6 billion over the next half century. By and so, some 80% will alive in the cities, and they will need something to consume.

At the same time, conventional agriculture and grazing land takes upward an enormous amount of space, with over 1/3rd of the world's surface currently used for farming. David figures that in the adjacent five decades an area new arable land of roughly the size equivalent to Brazil will exist required to feed the earth'southward growing population – land that merely non existent.

C. David's concept relies on using green architecture methods and materials to build sky scrappers that grow and produce agricultural crops. New technologies similar cheaper reflectors, which reflect sunlight where it'south required, more efficient energy solar panels and system-wide recycling are central to the programme.

1 usual feature is the apply of a type of shellfish for the filteration of water. These tin can clean urban waste to a country more suitable for irrigation.

D. 'Outside, one acre of state means single crop per year,' says David. 'Indoors, you can cultivate single crop every three months. You can get four unlike crops per year.' He suggests that 150 such buildings could feed the entire neighbourhood of New York for one yr. Indoor crops require less pesticides and are less vulnerable to natural issues, such every bit famine. Some academics say that a single sky scrapper subcontract covering 1.v hectares could produce enough nutrient to feed 35,000 people for 1 yr – the same as 450 hectare farm. Each floor would exist rigged up with with special hydroponic watering systems, solar panels to provide electricity and artificial lighting.

However, vertical farming is not without difficulties. Ane is – artificial lighting uses a great amount of electricity and generate considerable amount of estrus besides. Another is toll, with some $95 million per edifice for construction and another $5 million for performance per year.

Due east. Among experts, opinions vary on the success of this project. It is a serious challenge to create conditions suitable for growth, and some fifty-fifty think the yield from crop would not be economically viable. 'My biggest reservation is that the bones premise has flaws. We already know the means to increment food production from existing state resource, especially in areas with surplus land surface area for case, sub-Saharan Africa. Information technology's just that nosotros do it incredibly wrong at the moment, says Rob Sinha, a rural development researcher at the University of Whales. 'This is a rich person'south aspiration.'

F. Yet in that location are potent supporters everywhere. Luc Jarvis, an abet at Canda's IDRC, says the vertical farm is not only possible, but volition happen very soon. 'Information technology would gather at 1 site dissimilar elements already at work effectually the world, he says.

David has the bankroll of his University besides equally venture capitalists from Cathay, India, Centre Due east and Netherlands. If the vertical farming vision becomes a reality, we could wait fresh fruits and veggies sourced from just around the corner, except these might come from the 51st flooring.

Write the correct letter, A-F, you may employ any letter more than than once.

ane. Doubts near the feasibility and viability of the project – ………………

2. The idea of shifting market gardens from the outskirts to inner-city circles – ………………

3. How the arrangement would avoid existing agricultural issues – ………………

four. A previous programme that was impractical for widespread usage – ………………

v. Sources of financial support to the proposal – ………………

six. A method of dealing with waste substance – ………………

Choose NO More than THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer.

vii. Population within l years idea to reach ………………

eight. Population within 50 years ……………… living in rural areas

9. Proportion of earth at present used for farming ………………

ten. We will demand an actress expanse equally large every bit ……………… to provide food

Choose NO More THAN 3 WORDS from the passage.

11. How will the indoor farms generate energy ? ………………

12. Likewise the expense, what is the other challenge for indoor farms ? ………………

13. When does Luc Jarvis believe that David's idea become a reality ? ………………


People have pondered the movements of planets and stars for as long as life of humans on earth. Long agone it was noticed that some lights in the sky looked permanent in relation to each other and these were called 'Fixed stars', whereas other lights moved virtually much more independently and were called 'Wanderers'.

We know the latter as planets and we also know that stars are not stock-still in fact movement in predictable way. That both stars and planets circled the sky over 24 hours was supposed to be considering they revolved around the earth. One early on theory explained the 'music of spheres'. It was believed that the stars/planets were fixed on the glass like spheres that were centred on the world and created high-pitched music as they moved, this latter belief originated from humming in the ears at high altitudes.

The Greek astronomer, Ptolemy was the get-go to advise a pattern to these movements and in his Ptolemaic system the Sun, Moon and the Planets each had a sphere moving freely from others, and the stars were all fixed on the outer sphere. The system was thus able to business relationship for the differing movements and then witnessed.

By the 16th century, more accurately measuring instruments were bachelor, even earlier Telescope was adult. Nicolas, a Polish monk, spent his life making accurate observation of heavens. He tried to explicate the logic behind the motility of planets simply plant that the circular movement of a sphere could not explain why, for instance, Mars stopped apparently and gone backwards for a while.

He discovered that the planets move far more predictably, and circumvolve the Sun rather than the Earth. At present the problem is that, many people believed man was the epicentre of the universe, and then not anybody accustomed it. Copernicus avoided this problem by suggesting the theory every bit a method of accurately finding dates of important festivals. The theory was widely supported in the 17th century, when Galileo taught Copernican system to his students.

The telescope was invented in the netherlands to accurately measure planetary move. The German astronomer, Johan Kepler used it to discover that the Copernican observations were inaccurate and then could non predict the planet orbits. Copernicus assumed that the planets had round movements around the Sun, but Kepler found they didn't, in fact they moved in ellipses. He then developed his iii laws of planetary motion.

Tycho Brahe, Danish astronomer had been appointed as the court astronomer to the Romans and had made of import observations that Kepler needed for his theories. However, although Kepler already had three laws explaining the movement of planets, Isaac Newton explained WHY they motility in 18th century.

Isaac'south invention of reflecting telescope is oft seen as a defining moment in astronomical discoveries, simply in fact he only enhanced it; the original telescope was invented by Lippershey in 1608. He used convex lens in a tube, focusing calorie-free into an eyepiece. The first telescopes were seen as vital military instrument to detect the distant approach of the enemy before Galileo used ane to see night sky.

Newton discovered that a concave mirror reflecting light onto a flat mirror gave an accurately enhanced prototype of the heavens. Furthermore, mirrors were easier to produce than lenses and could be made larger, thus increasing the ability of astronomers to trace the star movements. Yet it was Newton's laws of gravitation that explained the the accurate motility of planets.

Questions fourteen-19

Match each statement with the correct persons, A-E. Y'all may use whatsoever letter more than one time.

          A.  Ptolemy B.  Nicolaus Copernicus C.  Galileo Galilei D.  John Kepler E.  Isaac Newton        

xiv. A change in the pattern led to an comeback in scientific instrument – …………………..

xv. The planets took an egg-shaped trajectory – …………………..

xvi. The science at the time did not agree with what was observed in the sky – …………………..

17. The planets revolved around a dissimilar object in contrast to what was believed earlier – …………………..

18. A revolutionary theory provided reasons for the blueprint in which the planets moved – …………………..

19. The use of a telescope provided evidence that amended the earlier observations – …………………..

Questions twenty-23

Choose NO More than THAN THREE WORDS from the paragraph.

20. Early observers used the terminology ………………….. to refer to motionless features in the sky.

21. Objects that appeared to be mobile are now called as …………………..

22. According to an early thinking, ………………….. was fabricated past the movement of celestial bodies.

23. Ptolemy believed that every planet moved within its own …………………..

Questions 24-27

The diagrams show the basic differences between Lippershey's and Newton's telescopic designs.

Characterization the diagrams below.

Choose NO More than THAN THREE WORDS from the passage.


IELTS Reading Exercise Test 2022 – Passage three


During the 19th century, it was believed that a sound change affected the whole linguistic communication at the aforementioned time: one audio arrangement smoothly develop into the second, and all words that contained a item audio would exist affected in the aforementioned way. We at present know that such a modify does not operate in an ordinary style. Some speakers innovate the modify into their spoken language earlier others do; some use information technology more than ofttimes than others.

A more accurate way is to think change as something gradually spreading through the words of a language. At first just a few people use the modify occasionally in common language; so a large number of words are affected, with the sound gradually used consistently; and so the majority of words counter the change.

The evidence of this kind of process originated from sociolinguistic studies of the variations in modern languages. These studies move frontward on the assumption that language variation is an evidence of the change in progress of a language. Detailed observations are made of the way in which unlike people speak in different social circumstances. The parameters that demonstrate these differences are called as Linguistic Variables.

These are small scale studies, but they have big implications. The same gradual process of alter affects whole linguistic communication also equally whole dialects. The metaphor of a wave has proved to be bonny since the 19th century: a change spreads through a language is just like a stone sends ripples beyond a puddle. It is piece of cake to recognise a change in a language – merely only after the change has taken identify.

It is not so difficult to recollect on how people spoke several years ago to point to a new word recently entered the language. Simply, information technology is impossible to predict which sounds, words or grammatical structure will alter in the adjacent 20 years. It is also hard to precisely say nigh the origins of a alter in a language. Who first used ? where information technology was used ? and when exactly it was used ?

Historical dictionaries shows an gauge date of entry for a new word or meaning – but these dates invariably reflect the primeval known use of that discussion in written class. The offset usage of the discussion in spoken communication is an unknown number of years previous to that.

To obtain answers to these questions, nosotros demand to know more almost why language transform. With the causes of modify, we could outset to make predictions about when a alter was more likely to take identify, and observe it while information technology was happening. At that place has long been thoughtful speculation on the thing, with suggested causes coming out from the fields such as theology and climatology (which is a consequence of homo physical location – the mountain dweller having a physiologically different voice communication chapters compared with the valley dweller).

Some scholars accept adopted a highly negative view, assertive that the causes can never exist plant. These days, the speculation and pessimism are being replaced by an increasing amount of scientific studies, which has shown that there is no 1 reason for language change. Several factors play their part, some with the nature of society, and some with the nature of language structure.

When humans move abroad from each other, their language will diverge. The two groups will have diverseness of experiences, and at the very least their vocabulary volition modify. Similarly, when people come into contact, their linguistic communication will converge. The sounds, grammar and vocabulary of one group are probable to put some influence on the other. These days, the increased mobility of people betwixt countries, makes this a major factor.

New ideas are being created constantly, and language changes to accept them. At the same time, old objects and ideas get obsolete. Some modify is the effect of i population group imperfectly learning the language of another. This is a common illustration of bilingualism. The minority language forms a pocket-sized category of people that in the long term influences major category.

People usually talk like those they admire – a procedure that may be conscious or subconscious. Conscious change can exist observed in those cases where people use or avoid certain features of their spoken language – such every bit happened with the English language pronoun "whom". Hidden modify, where people don't know the management in which their oral communication is moving; it is less noticeable.

The movement may be towards a favoured dialect, or away from one that is held in depression esteem. The speakers are mostly aware of the existence of linguistic differences, only unaware of any trend in their own oral communication continued to their mental attitude.

Questions 28-34

Choose the correct letter – A,B,C or D

28. What are linguistic variables ?

A. how different people utilize unlike language

B. they bear witness unpredictability of changes in languages

C. they tape laws of speaking

D. they show who innovate linguistic modify

29. According to author, what is the relationship betwixt changes in languages and in dialects ?

A. a small alter in dialect will signal major change in a linguistic communication

B. language alter is closely followed by dialect alter

C. they outset rapidly then deadening down gradually

D. none of them happen suddenly

30. When does the full general linguistic communication change can be recognised ?

A. when vocabulary kickoff get into a language

B. later a decade of usage

C. when majority people in a group take changed their way of speaking

D. simply follows the occurrence of a alter

31. Why location influence change in language ?

A. people from warmer places are more artistic

B. dissimilar environments affects human bodies

C. people living in hills use different expressions than others

D. speed of language modify affected by the altitude

32. What has been demonstrated by recent scientific research ?

A. new language patterns are dictated past influential people

B. different relationships among people slow downwards language change

C. language change has more than i cause

33. How linguistic communication change seem to be afflicted by homo mobility ?

A. it increases the rate at which new languages are learnt

B. people who travel struggle to prefer a new language

C. language changes when people leave other members of their group

D. it has no affect on the language change

34. About frequently found attribute of language change is ?

A. changes that user himself does non notice

B. deliberately imitate someone to reach status

C. newcomers endeavor to improve pronunciation

D. efforts to update vocabulary

Questions 35-40

Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage three ?

Yep – write if statement agrees

NO – write if statement contradicts

NOT GIVEN – write if no information provided

35. Linguistic change occurs when a new pronunciation is uniformly adopted ………………….

36. Water patterns are too fifty-fifty to be compared to the language patterns ………………….

37. Historical dictionaries registered the get-go spoken use of a new word ………………….

38. Recently, new vocabulary has mainly been introduced electronically ………………….

39. Change tin can happen when new speakers of a language make errors ………………….

40. An established linguistic communication tin get influenced past an introduced language ………………….

IELTS Reading Exercise Exam 2022-Test one comes under"Moderate to Difficult" category. So, if you are scoring 27+/40 you are guaranteed to hit band 7 in the real exam.

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