How Gotta Do You Know if a Gun Is Legendary in Fallout 4



I Could Make You Care is a companion quest in Fallout: New Vegas.


  • 1 Quick walkthrough
  • 2 Detailed walkthrough
    • Initiating the quest
    • 2.2 Acquiring the engineering science
    • 2.3 The Brotherhood is not pleased
    • 2.4 Decision
  • 3 Quest stages
  • 4 Notes
  • 5 Behind the scenes
  • 6 Bugs
    • 6.1 Fixes

Quick walkthrough

Side Quest: I Could Make You Care
Get the quest to begin by recruiting Veronica and activating three of the 9 triggers listed below.
Veronica will enquire the role player to get to Hidden Valley, equally she has something she needs to practice. Agree to get.
Visit the Elder in charge, either McNamara or Hardin, depending on whether the histrion has finished Still in the Dark and the event of that quest.
Veronica volition attempt to convince the Elder that the Brotherhood needs to grow and change. The Elderberry volition not be interested.
Veronica will enquire the role player to help her find some information or engineering that will help her convince the Elder. She will advise going to i of her old mentor Elijah's information terminals.
The terminal is in Gibson'due south shack, nearly the Gibson scrap yard.
The player and Veronica will find data on iii interesting technologies, only one of which is necessary to proceed the quest.
Euclid's C-Finder & ARCHIMEDES Ii: New farming technology: Pulse gun:
Complete That Lucky Old Sun and divert the power to ARCHIMEDES. Complete There Stands the Grass and practice not let Keely to delete the data. Make sure to go out with a copy of the data in the player'south Pip-Male child. (Optional) The player can obtain the cardinal to the box containing the pulse gun from a filing cabinet in Pearl's billet at Nellis Air Force Base of operations. The key must exist stolen, which results in a Karma loss. This removes the requirement of picking a Very Hard (100) lock.
Obtain Euclid's C-Finder from Max in Freeside. It can exist taken while he sleeps, bought for 1,000 caps (or at 20 caps with 45 Barter), or pickpocketed. If you've already nerveless the data prior to starting this portion of the quest and haven't returned it to Dr. Hildern; so the quest will update and tell you to go to Elderberry McNamara. The player needs to go to Vault 34 and eventually open the overseer's function, and unlock the armory door. In the armory is the very hard locked box with the pulse gun.

Detailed walkthrough

Initiating the quest

This quest is triggered by Veronica seeing things around the Mojave that cause her to question the wisdom of the Brotherhood of Steel remaining subconscious underground and not interacting with the globe. At that place are ix triggered conversations throughout the Mojave Wasteland that Veronica will initiate in response to nine dissimilar situations she and the Courier may encounter together. Note that one will simply need to complete three of the conversations to activate this quest. Some of them can just exist triggered by lines of dialogue that only happen once, and then if the player character has already heard that line before recruiting Veronica, the trigger will not occur. Annotation that there are three triggers that tin never go abroad—the main doors at Camp McCarran terminal edifice, the archway ramp of Vault three, and traveling nigh Nelson or Cottonwood Cove. The Boomer museum trigger tin be activated fifty-fifty if the actor character has already heard the tour, but not if Pete and the Boomers are hostile.

Note: If she does non initiate the listed chat, it may initiate if the role player graphic symbol talks to her via companion bike or waits xxx seconds or so. There is a delay in the chat trigger, and it will non trigger if the player graphic symbol is in conversation with someone else. Along with other companion quests, a recent patch has made activating the quest easier—in this instance two activations are required. One may also try to sit in a chair ane or 2 times and that could trigger the conversation. If she does non talk to the player grapheme in the trigger zone, sitting and continuing upward in any other zone will issue in her talking to them virtually what she was last triggered by.

Here are the nine triggers, and the things Veronica says:

  • Casa Madrid Apartments – The trigger is some of Tom Anderson'southward lines. Specifically, the line "I'm with the Followers of the Apocalypse...," (responding to the question "What do you practise here?"), and all of his lines confessing to the murder of Corporal White (part of the quest The White Launder). All of these lines are only given in one case. Veronica contrasts his expert crusade and lack of resources with the Brotherhood of Steel's incredible resources just lack of a good cause. This tin as well exist triggered exterior of the quest.
  • Vault 3 – The trigger area is on the exterior, nigh a third of the mode downwards the ramp to the door. Veronica talks about how the Fiends are giving the NCR more trouble than the Brotherhood always did.
  • Nelson/Cottonwood Cove/The Fort – The trigger is the player traveling to one of the locations and staying for 30 seconds or and so. The trigger areas are large squares larger than each location, so it may trigger before the thespian character actually sees the place, or while passing through a corner while on the way to some other location. The three locations share a single trigger, so going to all of them does non count more than one time. Veronica comments on 'ordinary guys with knives and bullets, and they're taking over Nevada'.
  • Camp McCarran terminal building, trigger 1 – The trigger expanse is just inside the terminal edifice, at the center gear up of main triple doors or the eastern ready of triple doors closest to Colonel Hsu'southward office. The third gear up of triple doors on the west side will not trigger the conversation, as there is no trigger zone there. Information technology is non necessary to pass through the doors; just walk very near them on the inside of the terminal. Veronica talks nigh her surprise at how many NCR troops there are.
  • Military camp McCarran terminal edifice, trigger two – The trigger is the line "A pleasance to meet you! I'm Dr. Thomas Hildern..." This line only happens when the player character first meets Hildern. Veronica talks about the NCR investing in new inquiry, unlike the Alliance. Alternatively, walking around the starting time floor and walking well-nigh the location of Dr Hildern can likewise cause a trigger.
  • Nellis Air Force Base, the Nellis Boomer museum – The player character just needs to heed to Pete'south lecture in front of the mural. The trigger is the last line of his speech communication. Veronica remarks on the similarities betwixt the Boomers and the Brotherhood of Steel.
  • Former Mormon Fort – The trigger is Julie Farkas' line "Are you here to drop off medical supplies? ..." which only happens the outset time the thespian character meets her. Veronica is impressed with the work they're doing. Some people have been able to trigger Veronica's dialogue in the Old Mormon Fort even after the player has already met Farkas. Try talking with doctors around the army camp.
  • REPCONN test site – The trigger is Jason Bright's line "We wish to escape the barbarity of the wasteland..." which is his response to the get-go question about the "Great Journeying." This line is merely given once. Veronica compares Jason Bright to her quondam mentor, Elijah.
  • Argent Rush – The triggers are Gloria Van Graff's greeting "Welcome to the Silver Blitz..." and her line "Please let me know if anything catches your center." which is the response to the player character maxim, "I'thou but browsing." Some of these lines will not happen during certain stages of Birds of a Feather. Veronica comments on all the free energy weapons.

Some events may force the quest to start at a subsequently stage, even if three of the to a higher place triggers have not happened.

  • Hidden Valley – Accept Veronica open the bunker door after having armed ARCHIMEDES during That Lucky Former Lord's day and having separately obtained Euclid'due south C-Finder. (Confirmed Xbox, PS3,& PC: The quest will start with "Bring the rangefinder to the elder" but you can do the quest normally.)
  • The quest can sometimes be activated without having Veronica in the political party, by picking up the rangefinder after meeting Veronica, and knowing about the Subconscious Valley. Nonetheless, the quest will non continue further without Veronica.

Acquiring the engineering science

  • The player graphic symbol and Veronica will find data on three interesting technologies, only i of which is necessary to continue the quest.
  • Choice 1: Euclid'due south C-Finder & ARCHIMEDES:
    Note: If the actor character has already completed That Lucky Old Sun without diverting power to ARCHIMEDES, this option cannot be completed. It also appears that if That Lucky Sometime Sun has been completed at all and/or i has obtained Euclid's C-Finder, choosing this option during this quest may lead to glitches. Also, if the thespian character obtains the Euclid'due south C-Finder only the quest has not all the same been initiated, this can provide a quick shortcut to the cease of the quest.
    • Obtain Euclid's C-Finder from Max in Freeside. Information technology tin can be stolen from him while he is sleeping, bought for i,000 caps (or at 20 caps with 45 Barter), or pickpocketed.
  • Selection 2: New farming technology:
    • If There Stands the Grass has been completed at all, choosing this pick may lead to glitches. A workaround exists, come across Fixes section (PC but).
    • If non already done, complete In that location Stands the Grass and do not let Keely to delete the data. Make sure to leave with a copy of the data in 1'due south Pip-boy.
    • If ane has already collected the data prior to starting this portion of the quest and accept not returned it to Dr. Hildern; then the quest will update and tell the histrion grapheme to become to Elder McNamara.
  • Selection 3: pulse gun:
    • (Optional) The player character can obtain the key to the box containing the pulse gun from a filing cabinet in Pearl'due south barracks at Nellis Air Forcefulness Base. The cabinet is the rightmost of a pair standing to the left of her desk. The key to it must be stolen, which results in a Karma loss. This removes the requirement of picking a Very Hard (100) lock.
    • The actor grapheme needs to go to Vault 34 and somewhen open up the overseer's office, and unlock the armory door. In the armory is the very hard locked box with the pulse gun.
    • On an unpatched game, the pulse gun may sometimes be purchased from the Silver Rush, or may be carried by college-level Fiends. This was fixed in the get-go patch.
    • Should the player graphic symbol already have gone through Vault 34, they may have picked upwardly the pulse gun from the Arsenal in that location already. Even if they have done so, the quest volition not update for this until it is in 1'south inventory.
    • Note that at any time while doing Options 1 or 2, the player character tin can go get the key from Nellis Air Force Base of operations or the pulse gun from Vault 34 and switch to Choice 3; it is not necessary to talk to Veronica and explicitly switch paths.
  • Note: Switching is always possible by going back to the comm station and re-downloading the information as this will prompt a dialogue with Veronica enabling you to choose a different path.

The Brotherhood is non pleased

  • Return to the Elder McNamara. Veronica will show him the technology. He will remain unconvinced.
  • Veronica will ask the actor graphic symbol'south opinion about whether she should stay in the Brotherhood or leave. They can choose for her, or can tell her it is her pick, in which case she volition stay.
  • Veronica will want to go outside to get some air. Outside will be a team of Brotherhood of Steel paladins who are angry at Veronica and the actor graphic symbol for spreading subversive ideas. 1 must deal with them in 1 of the post-obit means:
    • If Veronica decided to leave the Brotherhood:
      • The histrion character tells them so, and they let Veronica leave, but tell Veronica never to come dorsum. (At that place is an optional 95 Speech bank check here [rewards no XP for passing it], merely it has substantially the same upshot.)
      • Note that attacking the paladins at this point will fail the quest and brand Veronica get out.
    • If Veronica decided to stay in the Brotherhood, the paladins are not so easily dissuaded. The only solutions are:
      • Pass a 95 Voice communication check to become them to leave peacefully (this rewards no XP). As above, killing the paladins after succeeding the check volition fail the quest and make Veronica permanently leave the player character. This aggressive 'choice' has been fixed in v140525 by forcing ane to expect for them to disappear before moving.
      • Scare them off with Terrifying Presence, which is only a temporary solution. They will be at that place every time one returns to the Hidden Valley bunker until one of the permanent solutions is taken.
      • Fast travel before they take a chance to engage in conversation as shortly as one exits the bunker. This method is also temporary, but will give the player character plenty time to go a 95 Speech level or gather supplies for defending confronting them. Subsequently fast traveling away, ane can ask Veronica about finding the other options.
      • Talk to them until they turn hostile and set on, then kill them all. Ane will not gain infamy with the Brotherhood or lose Veronica'south trust by killing them, at least if the paladins shoot outset.
      • While the load screen is upwardly when exiting the bunker, if one has a weapon out and holds the trigger button, the paladins will not engage in chat upon get out, but can be heard asking the actor character to at-home down. It is important to pull and agree the trigger during the load screen to avoid firing on them. One tin can quickly sidestep them at this point so fast travel from a altitude. They will not be hostile, as they have not engaged in chat to threaten the thespian graphic symbol. If one stays within a few anxiety of them, however, they may begin dialogue, so it is important to sidestep them. The thespian character tin can also re-enter the bunker using this strategy, allowing them to dispatch them at their leisure (tested on 360, August 2012).
      • Use a Stealth Male child direct subsequently the voice communication ends with the orders to execute the role player character.
      • Approach the speaker paladin shut enough to trigger speech, but far enough to require him to walk to the player graphic symbol. Enter the bunker and he will follow alone, and if he attacks first, the residuum of the Brotherhood will help the role player character fight him. The residual of the team will remain outside, but will not plough hostile.


  • In one case the paladins are dealt with, the next actions depend on whether Veronica decided to leave the Alliance or remain a fellow member.
    • Option 1: Veronica remains a member:
      • Veronica comments almost her decision, and the difficulties of staying with such a dogmatic group.
      • The quest concludes. The player character gets 1000XP and Veronica gets the Bonds of Steel perk.
    • Selection 2: Veronica decides to leave:
      • Veronica expresses an interest in joining the Followers of the Apocalypse. She suggests going to the Follower's outpost.
      • At the outpost talk to Doc Alvarez nigh Veronica joining. She says that Dr. Schiller makes the decisions, and he is gone for the day.
      • Go away from the outpost and expect at least 24 hours.
      • Upon returning to the outpost, the player grapheme will find the rogue paladins, who have slaughtered all the Followers of the Apocalypse and patients. They will accuse the player grapheme and Veronica of sharing forbidden knowledge with outsiders. The paladins all need to be killed, though with the Terrifying Presence perk one tin frighten the them into submission, giving the player character an advantage. Killing them will non gain Brotherhood infamy and will non make Veronica leave.
      • The role player grapheme negatively refers to the Brotherhood'southward Codex if they utilize Terrifying Presence confronting the paladins, and Veronica volition have something to say about it.
      • Veronica will blame herself, only the incident just reinforces that she fabricated the right decision.
      • If the player character attacks the paladins first, after they are expressionless, Veronica volition scold the player graphic symbol for killing them and refuse to proceed beingness a companion. This may also cause the quest to fail.
      • The quest concludes. The thespian character gets 1000XP and Veronica gets the Causeless Rebel perk.
      • From hither on out, one can however return to the Subconscious Valley bunker with Veronica; however, she volition decline to go inside and will instead expect exterior.

Quest stages

Stage Condition Description
10 Become with Veronica to talk to the Brotherhood of Steel elder at Subconscious Valley.
xx Return with Veronica to the Alliance of Steel elder with evidence of the Brotherhood's misguided priorities.
25 Admission Father Elijah's notes at the comm terminal with Veronica.
30 Visit the Pawn Shop in Freeside and the Vault 21 souvenir shop with Veronica.
40 Wait for the man who bought the rangefinder in Freeside virtually Mick and Ralph'due south.
l Ask around to see what became of the rangefinder.
60 Recover the rangefinder.
70 Detect a fashion to enable the rangefinder at HELIOS One.
80 Bring the rangefinder to the elder at Hidden Valley.
xc Speak with the manager of OSI virtually his research project.
100 Recover the experimental data from Vault 22.
110 Bring the data back to the elderberry at Hidden Valley.
120 Wait for data about the pulse gun at Nellis Air Strength Base.
130 Recover the pulse gun from Vault 34 if it still exists.
140 Bring the pulse gun back to the elderberry at Subconscious Valley
150 Bring Veronica to cheque in with the Followers of the Apocalypse outpost.
160 Return to the Followers of the Apocalypse outpost when Dr. Schiller is there.
170 Talk to Veronica
200 Quest finished Discuss your remaining options with Veronica.


  • During the search for the Euclid'south C-Finder, Sarah Weintraub in Vault 21 tells the actor character that a man with a 'strange metal collar' already purchased it. Veronica may make a comment about Father Elijah. When one finds the man in Freeside, his caput has been blown off. Veronica does not comment near the trunk.
  • Veronica's concluding conversation with the elder is based on which engineering science item is currently in the 1's inventory when they step into the elder's office, not which technology the histrion grapheme selected to pursue in dialogue with Veronica. If Veronica is told to pursue the pulse gun, but the one enters the elderberry's office with Euclid'due south C-Finder instead, so the quest completion dialogue for the rangefinder will play.
  • If i has already completed That Lucky Old Lord's day and called not to ability ARCHIMEDES, but the player grapheme has Euclid's C-Finder in their inventory already; they can ask Veronica nearly it, simply the route volition ultimately be discarded.
  • When triggering the quest via Vault three, Veronica states that the Fiends are giving the NCR more trouble than the Brotherhood.
  • The Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide erroneously lists traveling to Nipton as i of the triggers needed to begin this quest.
  • This quest may appear to collaborate poorly with That Lucky Onetime Sun, if one wishes to complete that quest by sending power to anywhere other than ARCHIMEDES. However, this is not the case. When pursuing the quest stage to divert the ability from HELIOS I to ARCHIMEDES, the Courier is free to modify where the ability is diverted at any point before realigning the reflectors. Simply selecting the ARCHIMEDES option from the list is enough to complete this quest stage, and the player tin can and then divert the power elsewhere.
  • In case that both That Lucky Erstwhile Dominicus and There Stands the Grass take been completed, getting the pulse gun will advance the quest.

Behind the scenes

The title is a reference to the Frank Sinatra song "I Could Brand Yous Care".


  • PC PC Sometimes Veronica might refuse to accept any triggers required to beginning the quest, due to the game forgetting to requite her scripts required for her to respond to them. This tin be fixed past targeting her in the panel and inbound the addscriptpackage 0014779f. Note this is not permanent, and has to be done every time 1 wants to activate a trigger. [verified]
  • PC PC Playstation 3 Playstation 3 Should one complete the entirety of the quest before accessing the Comm Terminal in Gibson's shack, accessing said terminal, exiting, then speaking with Veronica may cause an infinite dialogue loop. [verified]
  • PC PC Playstation iii Playstation 3 Xbox 360 Xbox 360 In some cases, especially after a long playtime or getting to a certain point in the game, Veronica will not enter whatever of the dialogue triggers at all. [verified] **Set up**( enter vault xi with Veronica, but brand her await earlier going into the sacrificial chamber. After the boxing, she will walk upward and initiate a trigger conversation.)
  • PC PC If one goes to the elder to deliver technology with more than one of the required items, the dialogue with Veronica and the Elder will not start. If this happens, just exit of the bunker and discard one of the items then return. If Veronica walks to the elderberry and the dialogue still does not start, open the panel, select the elderberry and type sayto e2f88 vms49elderdiscussion2intro (for Hardin) or sayto e2f87 vms49elderdiscussion2intro (for McNamara). [verified]
  • PC PC Playstation 3 Playstation 3 Xbox 360 Xbox 360 While trying to consummate the Go with Veronica to talk to the Brotherhood of Steel elder at Hidden Valley section of the quest, Veronica enters the Subconscious Valley bunker and instantly runs to the intercom. She and then proceeds to do nothing other than say "See y'all around" on a continual loop and refuses to engage in conversation. Upon fast traveling to Gibson's shack Veronica just walks off to the intercom at Hidden Valley and does the same thing. [verified]


  • An automatic fix for the quest bug is past opening up the console commands and typing set up "145f85".ngreetingpending to 1. This has been known to cause bug with achievements merely it automatically triggers Veronica opening up a dialogue with the player grapheme which activates the quest.
  • If the player graphic symbol has already completed At that place Stands the Grass and they are unable to download the Vault 22 data: information technology is possible to reset the mainframe terminal past using the console command prepare e6a6a.DataState to 0; one tin then re-download the information to consummate the objective. This should fifty-fifty work if the information was deleted.
  • Solution to the dialogue between Veronica and the elder freezing or not starting at all during the get-go stage I Could Brand You lot Care: upon arrival, stand beside the elderberry's table and raise and lower (twice if necessary) the Pip-male child whatever time the conversation freezes. I might lose some sentences, merely the offset footstep of the given quest (Bring Veronica to the elder) will exist completed, and Veronica gives the player grapheme the adjacent step of the quest equally soon every bit they leave the elderberry's room.
  • Solution to Veronica not following subsequently I Could Make You Care: During the battle with the paladins, Knock out Veronica before killing the terminal paladin. When she wakes upwards, one tin can manually talk to her twice for her standard dialogue. *Note* volition not work on hardcore manner.
  • If Veronica will not follow the player grapheme anymore (she simply stands in place and does not move, despite being able to interact with her) after fighting the paladins outside the Hidden Valley bunker (Afterward suggesting she stay with the Alliance to gain her Bonds of Steel Perk), simply travel to Gibson's shack, re-download the data from the figurer, talk to her and so she brings upward the conversation virtually what technology to pursue, choose the technology that was initially picked in order to complete the quest, exit the conversation, talk to her again, enter her workbench and craft Whatever item (1 ammunition conversion works just fine), after the item is crafted and added to one'south inventory she should now follow the player grapheme once again. Test by just entering into sneak mode, if she crouches with the player graphic symbol she is now following them again. Solution works for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.

Quests in Fallout: New Vegas

Chief quests

Act 1 Ain't That a Kick in the Head · Back in the Saddle · Past a Campfire on the Trail · They Went That-a-Way · Band-a-Ding-Ding!
Act 2 Wild Carte (Wild Card: Ace in the Pigsty, Modify in Management, Y'all and What Army?, Side Bets, Finishing Touches) · The House Always Wins (I, Two, Iii, Four, 5, Vi, VII, Viii) · Return Unto Caesar · Et Tumor, Beast? · Things That Become Boom · Kings' Gambit · For the Republic, Part ii · You'll Know It When Information technology Happens/Arizona Killer
Act 3 No Gods, No Masters · All or Nothing · Veni, Vidi, Vici · Eureka!

Side quests

New California Democracy Anywhere I Wander · Back in Your Own Backyard · Biting Springs Infirmary Blues · Boulder City Showdown · Can You Find it in Your Centre? · Climb Ev'ry Mountain · Don't Tread on the Conduct! · Emergency Radio · Eye for an Center · Flags of Our Foul-Ups · Hard Luck Blues · I Don't Hurt Anymore · I Put a Spell on You · Keep Your Eyes on the Prize · Medical Mystery · No, Not Much · Pressing Matters · Restoring Promise · Return to Sender · That Lucky Old Lord's day · The White Wash · In that location Stands the Grass · Three-Card Bounty · We Volition All Go Together · Yous Can Depend on Me
Caesar'southward Legion Beware the Wrath of Caesar! · Caesar's Favor · Caesar's Foe · Caesar's Rent · Cold, Common cold Heart · I Hear Yous Knocking · The Finger of Suspicion · We Are Legion
The Strip Beyond the Beef · Bye Farewell Love · Archetype Inspiration · How Little We Know · Pheeble Will · Talent Pool · The House Has Gone Bosom! · The Moon Comes Over the Tower
Freeside & Outer Vegas Birds of a Feather · Bleed Me Dry · Debt Collector · G.I. Blues · High Times · Someone to Watch Over Me · The Coyotes · Wang Dang Atomic Tango
Boomers Ant Misbehavin' · Sunshine Boogie · Volare! · Young Hearts
Not bad Khans Aba Daba Honeymoon · Cry Me a River · Don't Make a Beggar of Me · Oh My Papa
Powder Gang Booted · I Fought the Police · Run Goodsprings Run · Why Can't We Be Friends?
Alliance of Steel Eyesight to the Blind · Even so in the Dark · Tend to Your Business
Other Come up Fly With Me · Crazy, Crazy, Crazy · Ghost Boondocks Gunfight · Estimate Who I Saw Today · Left My Heart · My Kind of Town · The Legend of the Star and A Valuable Lesson · Unfriendly Persuasion · Wheel of Fortune
Companion quests ED-Eastward My Love · For Auld Lang Syne · Heartache by the Number · I Could Make You Care  · I Forgot to Call back to Forget · Nothin' But a Hound Domestic dog · 1 for My Baby
Unmarked quests A Bit of Slap and Tickle · A Final Programme for Esteban · Admission Powers · All Fired Upward! · An Ear to the Footing · Andy and Charlie · Arachnophobia · Arizona Scavenger · Barton the Fink · Comport Necessities · Big Winner (Atomic Wrangler, The Gomorrah, The Tops, Ultra-Luxe, Vikki & Vance) · Compensation Killer (I, 2) · Brotherhood Bond (I, 2) · Caching in at the Cove · Cajoling a Cudgel · Claws Mended · Claws Out · Dealing with Contreras · Defacing the Humble Stone · Democracy Inaction · Don't Poke at the Conduct! · Eddie's Emissary · Exhumin' Nature · Fight Night · Flogging a Dead Corpse · Friend of the Followers · Gland for Some Home Cooking · Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger · Hat's Amusement · Aid for Halford · Subconscious Valley computer virus · Highway to the Danger Zone (I, II) · Honorary Rocketeer · I Beloved Bananas · Iron and Stealing · Keith'southward Caravan Charade · Laurifer Gladiator · Lenk's Bad Debts · Lily and Leo · Long-Term Care · Malleable Mini Boomer Minds · Maud's Muggers · Meeting an Equal · Missing a Few Missiles · About Wanted · Not Worth a Hill of Corn and Beans · Erstwhile Schoolhouse Ghoul · A Pair of Dead Desperados (I, Two) · Papers, Please · Pistol Packing · Playing on the Sometime Joana · Poor Meat Never Makes Practiced Soup · Pulverisation to the People · Power to the People · Razzle Dazzle! · Reach for the Sky, Mister! · Remainder and Resupply · Ringo'south Caravan Rules · Rotface's Loose Lips · Saving (or Savaging) Sergeant Teddy · The Screams of Brahmin · Silus Treatment · Brusque-Term Treatment · Smooth-Talking Criminal · The Star Showdown · Strategic Nuclear Moose · Straus Calls · Strip Search · Suits Yous, Sarah · Tags of Our Fallen · A Team of Moronic Mercenaries · Idea for the 24-hour interval · Tourist Traipse · Trudy'south Radio Repair · A Trusted Aide · Useless Baubles or Fancy Trinkets? · Nosotros Must Stop Chirapsia Similar This · We Must Stop Meeting Like This · Air current-Brahmin Wrangler · You Gotta Break Out a Few Eggs · You Make Me Feel Similar a Woman

Improver quests

Expressionless Money Sierra Madre Thou Opening! · Find Collars (8: "Domestic dog", 12: Christine, 14: Dean Domino) · Fires in the Heaven · Strike Up the Band · Mixed Signals · Trigger the Gala Event · Put the Creature Down · Last Luxuries · Mantle Call at the Tampico · Heist of the Centuries · Big Winner, Sierra Madre
Honest Hearts A Family unit Matter · Inflow at Zion · Bighorners of the Eastern Virgin · Chaos in Zion · Civilized Man's Burden · Beat out the White Legs · Deliverer of Sorrows  · Departing Paradise · Flight from Zion · Gathering Storms · Gone Fishin' · Happy Trails Expedition · Prisoners of War · Retake the Span · River Monsters · Rite of Passage · Roadside Attraction · Sanctity of the Dead · The Advance Scouts  · The Treacherous Road · The One thousand Staircase · Tourist Trap
Quondam World Blues All My Friends Have Off Switches · A Brain's Best Friend · Coming Out of Her Vanquish · Field Research · He Came... And Went · Influencing People · Midnight Science Fiction Feature! · Old Earth Blues · On the Same Wavelength · Picking Your Brains · Project Ten-xiii · Sonic Emitter Upgrade · Welcome to the Big Empty · What's in a Name? · When Visitors Attack! · X-two: Strange Transmissions! · 10-8 Data Retrieval Exam · X-8: High Schoolhouse Horror! · X-13: Attack of the Infiltrator!
Lonesome Route The Reunion · The Silo · The Task · The Launch · The Tunnelers · The Divide · The Courier · The Finish · The Apocalypse

Military camp McCarran

Vault 22


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